Reducing the Risk of Developing a Tooth Abscess

A tooth abscess is becoming more common because individuals are either not aware of it or ignore symptoms that lead to it. Most individuals only care about the aesthetics of their teeth when it comes to oral care. While that is important, there are numerous oral problems that can occur if you don’t take care of your oral health. A tooth abscess occurs due to a bacterial infection leading to the formation of pus on the teeth, usually at the tip of it. What causes tooth abscess? Your mouth consists of millions of bacteria. Bad oral hygiene gives bacteria the chance to feed off food particles leftover to produce acid which leads to plaque . The build-up of plaque results in numerous dental problems which include tooth abscess. Essentially, tooth abscess is caused by: Poor oral hygiene can result in an infection leading to gum disease such as gingivitis increasing the chance of tooth abscess. A cracked tooth which allows bacteria to travel into the pulp and other parts of ...